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If you need to obtain funds in another currency, you can easily do this at your local bank for a minimal charge. If possible, wrap dollars in coloured paper and use a security envelope. Do not send cash for purchases of high value items.
Send an International Money Order Most banks will write international money orders in Pound Sterling, or U.S. Dollars, for a minimal charge.

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Provide the seller with your banking details and the seller's bank can transfer the funds directly from your chequing account.

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Buy from sellers who accept credit cards. International buyers may look for sellers who accept credit cards. One advantage is that Visa and MasterCard will convert currencies for no extra charge.

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Motorcycle helmets & accessories || Motorcycle Helmet Visors || Motorcycle Helmet Ear Plugs || Motorcycle Helmet Intercoms

Bid for motorcycles, motorcycle helmets, motorbike parts, motorcycle accessories and apparel.
And don't forget, it's also a great place to get rid of those items that you no longer use and get paid for them.


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